The story of how my sweet, chocolate Labrador Sadie Mae photobombed my every image during the early days of the blog at Edible Times. And as we always sensed, she was well ahead of her time.
The Story
I started photographing my blog post recipes in the living room of our rental house in Rhinebeck, New York. It's the cutest little Cape Cod you've ever seen, with a gloriously large window that provides amazing sun. I'm a big believer in using natural light for any kind of photography. But the choice to use this gloriously lit living room came with one large, four-legged problem.
The Problem
I styled my photos on our coffee table. And of course, the table was also the perfect height for our large breed dog to sneak her nose in as I fiddle, flash and snap.
She was pretty obedient for a young pup (she fetched the mail and even the remote). But the previously honored "sit, stay" command soon lost all meaning. I'd say the magic words. But then just as I press the shutter button a shiny, wet nose, and floppy ears enter the frame.
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over again.
Know When You're Beaten
I honestly hadn't realized what a habit she'd made of this behavior until I cleaned out my photo files years later. And truly she should've been on the stage! Caught in the act, poor pathetic puppy, suffering in silence. I must commend her efforts to steal my thunder (and my food). And I guess at this point, it's safe to say she's succeeded.
Edible Epilogue
Our sweet Sadie Mae is waiting for us now at the Rainbow Bridge. But since she was truly the original Dog of Instagram, I posted a few snapshots in her honor. She was, after all, the most photogenic chocolate I ever met.
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